Masriya… the amnesty in the presence of “El-Tayeb”

As soon as the worshipers finished the Isha prayer, Ramadan 2014, the child Saad rushed as usual to his home in the village of Al-Rahmaniya in Nagaa Hammadi, to fill water bottles and distribute them to the worshipers before the start of the Tarawih prayer. While he was on his way, he stopped to watch children playing with fireworks, and one neighbor got angry because of their noise.

The man pulled out his pistol and fired a shot to disperse the children, but the bullet lodged in Saad's chest, killing him instantly.

The child’s mother Masriya ran with her sons to the accident site as soon as she learned the news of his death. They found his body on the ground. Surrounded by several families, the mother screamed and began to ramble incomprehensible words, asking her sons to avenge their brother.

Since the murder of her son, Masriya has not left a room overlooking the street; designated to receive guests, except for a strong reason. At one of its corners, where there is a picture of the victim on a wall, she sat to receive the women who came to provide condolences.

The mother began to discuss with her sons how to take revenge on the murderer of their brother. They all agreed to avenge the murderer personally and not any other person, as "it is not the fault of his father and siblings." They set up everything and went out armed and searched for him in the streets of the village, to no avail, until the police arrested the accused, and the court sentenced him to seven years in prison for manslaughter.

During the accused sentence, the mayor’s village and other people tried to persuade the mother with the amnesty and acceptance of the reconciliation. But what one of the women told the mother was a reason for her determination to avenge her son “Farag’s wife (the killer’s mother) burned a chicken and buried it at the accident site, and if you didn't avenge, your son would continue to suffer in his grave.” This behavior is due to the belief that this habit will prevent the victim's spiritual double from harassing his family.

The woman’s statement set Masriya on fire; one of her relatives said, “she was covering her mouth with the pillow, crying and moaning until the reconciliation committee formed by Al-Azhar succeeded in persuading her with reconciliation after six years. She stipulated meeting the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Dr. Ahmed El-Tayeb, so he hosted her in his courtyard in Luxor and reassured her heart that her son was a groom in heaven.

Masriya is a mother of five children (four sons and one daughter, the youngest is the victim), whose husband died a long time ago. No one of them got married because of the blood feud. The older son explained that he proposed to a girl from the village for engagement, but her family refused. He said, “will he marry his daughter to people who have a blood feud," stating that he seriously determined to marry after solving this crisis on Monday afternoon February 10, 2020".


Ayman’s mother… confronting the tribe